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Elementary School News

Elementary School News


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Principal's Message
open supplemental position


If interested, please contact Mr. Chip Will at

pay schools central

Please be advised that this year we are using a new online payment system. To make online fee payments, go to  PaySchools Central. You will need to create a new account with your students' ID number. ...

pay schools central


As of July 1, 2024, we will be officially transitioning from PayForIt to our enhanced payment platform, PaySchools Central. This change is part of our ongoing e...

school communicators day

The National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) celebrates School Communicators Day on the second Friday in May in recognition the incredibly valuable work of school public relations professi...

School nurse

National School Nurse's Day is observed on Wednesday, May 10th.  Thank you to our school nurses Jen Royalty, Shelly Philpot, & Mel Suittor for taking care of all our students as they deal with physica...

lunch hero

School Lunch Hero Day, also known as School Nutrition Employee Appreciation Day, is celebrated on Friday, May 3, 2024.  Wayne Local School District has the most hardworking and best food service profe...


Thank you for your educational leadership of our school!!

L to R:
Mr. Chip Will, Junior-Senior High School Principal
Mr. Ben Spalding, Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal
Mrs. Anna Garafolo,...


At the March 2024 School Board of Education meeting, the calendar was approved for the 2025-26 school year.

2025-26 School Calendar (approved 3-11-2024)

For additional calendar years, click here.

step up logo with stars

Recently, Waynesville Preschool received a FIVE star rating from the state! Schools have to complete and uphold rigorous standards and go through inspections for licensing. Step Up to Quality is a fiv...

office phone

Wayne Local School District phones are working correctly.  Please reference the below list of phone numbers for ease of use when needing to reach the offices.

High School - 513-897-2776
Junior High Sc...

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