High School News
Showing Entries for 2022 - January

WCCC Open House - priority registration is Jan. 31
IMPORTANT: Applications are due in TODAY (before 11:59 pm)
Program Placements will begin February 14th via the lottery system.
Ceremonial Beam Setting
It's impossible not to notice that Wayne Local School District has ongoing construction as we've moved into Phase III of the construction plan. Phase III is the construction of the Performing Arts Ce...

Wellness Baskets
As part of a Winter Wellness Challenge, the 7-12 grade level staff members are participating in a little friendly competition. To avoid the common winter blues, the staff members will be competing wit...

"The Waynesville Way' Recognized Regionally
The Waynesville Way recently received the “Emerging Organization Community Service Award” from the Warren County Foundation. Mrs. Anna Garafolo, Elementary Principal and Coordinator of The Waynesvill...

Athlete of the Week
Congratulations Matt Ellis! Named "Athlete of the Week" by the Dayton Daily News, Neighbors Sports Section on January 20th, 2022.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences on February 17, 2022 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Conferences on February 17, 2022 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Grades 9 - 12: Call (513) 897-2776 to setup conference

Annual Scholastics Art And Writing Competition
Congratulations to our annual Scholastics Art and Writing Students. There were many submissions and through the selection process the following students were admitted into the show and won an award. A...

CANCELLED - Winter Formal
Cancelled due to low ticket sales. Any tickets already purchased will be refunded.

Boys' Tennis Parent & Student Meeting
Informational Meeting for anyone interested in Boys' Tennis Team.
When: Friday, February 4th
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Band Room
See Coach Buflod for more information in the band room, or kbuflod@wayn...