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High School News

Showing Entries for 2023

message from superintendent

Subject: Important Update Regarding School Safety- No Threat Received at Wayne Local Schools

Dear Wayne Local School Parents,

I hope this letter finds each of you well! I wanted to bring to your att...


Thank you for all community members, merchant/businesses, and sponsor contributions!! 
Without your contributions, these scholarships would not be possible.


Our 2023 Sauerkraut Festival Scholarship...

school bus safety week

"BEEP! BEEP! School bus safety starts with me" The theme of the 2023 National School Bus Safety Week is a
unique reminder to motorists and students about the dangers that exist outside the school bus.

leo club inductees

Leo Club Induction 2023


Good Morning Wayne Local Community,

We received an excellent rating on the State Report Card!  CONGRATULATIONS to our staff and students!  Our district has consistently demonstrated high academic per...

This school year, the Jr./Sr. High is trying to make sure that our wonderful students are recognized for their Spartan pride, respect, responsibility, and kindness.  In doing so, teachers will recogni...
the daily grind

The Entrepreneurship class at Waynesville Sr. High is starting their own coffee shop, The Daily Grind. This business venture is teaching students how to create, market, and run a business. 
 We are as...

homecoming spirit week

Student Council is incentivizing Spirit Week. Each day during 2nd period, please use this spreadsheet to note how many kids in your 2nd-period class dressed up. Donuts and juice will be awarded to the...

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