
ProgressBook Parent/Student App
If you have not yet heard about the new ParentAccess Mobile App, below is the information you will need. You are probably currently using the browser on your phone/mobile device to view ParentAccess, but with this mobile app, it’s cleaner, clearer and will accommodate any new updates as they add them. With the Frontline ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app, students and their families can track grades, view homework assignments, monitor attendance, and more.
Download the Mobile App
Go to the Apple App Store or Android Apps on Google Play and search for “ProgressBook Parent/Student” to find the Frontline ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app and download the app.
If You Already Have an Account:
Whether you are a parent/guardian or student, you can use your current ProgressBook username and password to log in to the Frontline ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app.
1. Open the mobile app
2. Tap Login
3. When redirected to the website, begin typing your district name.
a. In the results list that displays, select your district
b. Tap Go
c. Enter your Username and Password
d. Tap Sign In
Note: Your selected district is saved for future log ins. If you are a parent/guardian with students attending different districts, you can switch districts as needed.
If You Are a Student Using Google Single Sign-On:
1. Tap Login
2. When redirected to the website, begin typing your district name
a. In the results list that displays, select your district
b. Tap Go
3. Scroll down and tap Students Sign in with Google
4. Follow the prompts to log in with your Google account